About Me

Small town raised, big city heart.

I grew up just north of New York City, in a small suburb 0.5 miles from an orchard that marked the seasons in my childhood. I spent any waking hour I had past middle school swinging between deep inner angst and a volleyball court. I come from people who love hard and expect more and I have grown up determined.

I am a mom of 2 (10 and 6 years old), a teacher turned executive assistant, and old enough to remember Teddy Ruxbin, Tamagatchies, and Y2K. I am addicted to coffee and a fierce people pleaser.

*ahem* I love cookies.

I am also currently training for the 2020 Disney Princess Half Marathon. In preparing for this feat, have stumbled across countless training plans, suggested tips and tricks for race weekend, and about a bazillion professional or 20-something athletes providing insights to how best to do this. The voice I have yet to find is the one that sounded most like mine: never ran more than 3 miles at a time, wanting a physical challenge, some understanding of how muscles work but zero understanding about how running muscles work, and an equal dose of fear of failing and determination to bring home a pretty medal accomplish a really hard goal. While I may have played volleyball in college, I’ve also birthed two children which caused some pretty significant trauma to the way my heart circulates oxygen and blood. I wanted to know what each step felt like, how someone whose body and life experience matched mine was able to cross the finish line, and (frankly) that I wouldn’t die in pursuit of this goal.

Finding no such voice, I decided to write my story here.